This Month, Take a Moment for Self-Care

In our office, we value the practice of self-care. There are so many things in life that are out of our control, but taking care of our body and mind is something that we each get to manage in whatever way feels right to us. Being that it’s Self-Care Awareness Month, we thought we’d share some of our thoughts on why we think self-care is so important and some of the things we like to do to stay grounded and feel balanced.

For us, getting an adequate amount of sleep has proven to be the key. Early to bed, early to rise is our motto. Choosing to go to bed even just an hour earlier than you’re used to can make you feel refreshed, well-rested, and ready to take on the day. Trust us, that late night television episode can wait. Your body will thank you.

One of Dr. Johnson’s favorite ways to practice self-care is by going on long runs. He’s on a quest to complete a marathon in each state and has eighteen under his belt so far! Just three more to go this year. Our team in the office really enjoys going on walks during lunch twice a week to get some movement in. Fall is a beautiful time in Colorado, so make the most of enjoying some time outdoors!

In addition to things like going on walks, going for a run, or aiming to get more sleep, nutrition can also play a part in your self-care. Being aware and thoughtful of the things you’re choosing to fuel your body with can affect your energy levels. It’s all a balance, so be sure you’re getting a little bit of everything you need with the occasional treats here and there!

Remember, more doesn’t always mean better. Sometimes self-care can be as simple as skipping a social outing  to do yoga and go home with your favorite book instead. We hope you will all give yourselves a little extra love this month and every month of the year! You deserve it.